September 4, 2011

#71 Zalando All-You-Can-Shop

Hi guys!
For the dutch readers, which are almost all, this is such an awesome competition from Zalando! With their All-You-Can-Shop win action you can win a monthly €300,- to spend on!

The only thing you have to do is make an outfit with you're favorite Zalando items!
I'm supposed to also add an icon in my post but it won't work so I'll just add the link to the competition website:

For my outfit, I didn't want to make just one. I wanted to make more like a moodboard I guess? I chose clothing which should be perfect for fall and for school! All the things you can combine with each other, which I love! I like the more darker colours but also the romantic elements like the white dress, belt and the heels! For some comfort I also added jeans and sneakers, but also t-shirts and cardigans. Leather shorts to give it some edge and the blouse and skirt for prints. The brown boots are just amazing! And ofcourse nailpolish to make it all complete!

first row 

fourth row

fifth row

And for everybody else who is going to enter this competition, good luck and have fun! :D I had!


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