1) What is your favorite style to wear?
A little bit girly, a skirt or a dress, and I always love to accent my waist with a belt or something. Or I wear jeans with nice top. And always with a little oversized top, so it kind off ‘drapes’ nicely.
2) Who is your fashion role model?
I already talked about this in this fashion challenge, so Chriselle Lim I have to say, but I also love Breanne from flattery as a fashion blogger and I love a couple of people on Lookbook too.
3) What do you always have on?
What I always have on? Underwear? I don’t know I don’t have a necklace or something I ALWAYS wear. I’ve tried that before and I always fail, just as trying to keep a diary.
4) What are your favorite jeans?
My new ones from IMP Fashion!
5) What are your favorite sunglasses?
I guess the green one I bought from Bershka, which was about €3. I’m thinking about getting really good sunglasses, also with (vision) so I can actually see while having my sunglasses on.
6) What are your favorite shoes?
Right now.. I think all of my broques, or lace-ups, or oxfords or how you call them. Just my little flat Shoes you can see in almost EVERY outfitpost!
7) Who influenced you to write about fashion.
I think it was this girl called Demi, this is her blog, and she does more photography now (her pictures are awesome) but about a year ago I saw her blog and I was like: this is so cool, mannnn I wanna do that!
8) What is your favorite store?
H&M I think. I can always find something there. I also really love Pull&Bear but we don’t have that store here in my town, I always shop there when I’m in Bratislava.
9) Who is your favorite fashion person on internet?
Hmmmm, that’s a hard one. I think Breanne from flattery, I always look forward to her new blogposts, and also Jenn and Sarah from clothesencounters on Youtube. I just discovered their channel about a week ago, and they’re awesome!
10) What is your favorite fabric?
Something a bit sheer, specially for tops. I think it’s called shiffon, I really really love that.
11) Who is your favorite model?
I don’t really have a favorite model.. I like Doutzen Kroes, because she’s from the Netherlands and she became a model by sending in a vacation picture. She also has a ‘Dutch’ look, like blonde hair and blue eyes, I like her pictures and stuff.
12) If you had €5000 to spend on any one item, what would it be?
I would spend it on a new camera I think and what is left over I’ll spend on clothes and of course I’ll save some.
13) Heels or flats?
Flats, I’m not a good heel-walker.
14) What purse do you love to use?
My Brown leather woven bag, which I got almost two years ago, it’s soooo worn though, the woven pattern is getting messed up and stuff, gotta get a backpack next year!
15) Is fashion in your blood or your jeans?
Hard question because I really love jeans but then again I also love love skirts and dresses, so I don’t knoww!!
Have a lovely Easter everyone! I will post an outfit tomorrow! And I have some great things to tell you about my weekend (except for all the learning)
Heey Natasja, bedankt dat je mij genoemd hebt! Verder leuke post, altijd leuk om zoiets te lezen :) Love, Demi