January 9, 2012

#140 ~ Sale pick ups!

daydreams top, birdie top, collar, scarf, shorts - all H&M, red pants and t-shirt - all Zara

Hi guys!

My sale order from H&M came in! And I also bought some stuff in the stores this vacation, also from Zara. I love sale shopping! And now that I have vacation I can go on schooldays so it's not that crowded in the stores too.
I bought the sparkly collar and the knitted blue scarf from H&M. Also the top with the birdies :). I love all of these pieces! The blue scarf is amazing, I've almost lived in it this week. I think the birdie top is really cute, I love that print! The stuff from my order are great too, I already wore the shorts and they are really nice.
From Zara I bought the 'WOW I'm awesome!' shirt and the red pants. The shirt is just awesome and the pants feel so nice! They are supersoft, because of it's material. It was only €12,95! I like prices like that!
Well, my biggest order is still coming, waiting for it! When it arrives I'll show you, I hope it's as nice as it looks in the pictures :)


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