January 19, 2012


Hi dear readers!

Sorry for not posting for almost a week! School was stressing me out, so much homework, uch! Now the 'rush' is over a bit, but I'll be having testweek in one and a half weeks or so, but I don't have that many tests so I think I will be okay. And out of school early = more posts!
These pictures are pictures of my room, I already did some pictures of my room, but I got rid of a lot stuff this weekend AND I've got a new closet! I'm in love with the colour, and OH EM GEE it's so big! I really love it, it gives my room a different look. My room means a lot to me, although it's always a bit messy, it's the place where I'm all the time, actually. I go there when I'm out of school to make homework or whatever. And I do the blogging in here ofcourse. Just, the place where I can be myself and stuff.


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