February 10, 2012

#150 ~ Releasing the stress and letting go

dress - H&M, cardigan - vila, belt - old from grandpa, shoes - bovendeert, scarf - H&M, ring - jeweltys.nl

Hello lovelies!
I love this dress! But I always feel it looks so dressy, so I like to wear it with a more casual and oversized cardigan. And my love, my big blue scarf from H&M, I still wear it everyday! Lately I'm really into girly stuff, with dresses like these :).
Oh and today we had to finish our 'profielwerkstuk'. I don't know what it's called in English, but we basically have to make a project with about every subject you want. It more like an investigation, you have to make questions and trying to answer them. My subject was Romanticism and I made a dress inspired by the dresses they wore in that time. Yes, you can also make something yourself, more a practical project. It's finally finished and I'm really proud! I'll post pictures soon :)


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