cardigan - H&M, shorts - H&M, blouse - bershka, belt - primark, shoes - omoda, ring - second hand
Hello lovelies!
I'm in LOVE with this outfit! This is totally my style. Casual and cute but with a little edge to it. I bought this cardigan about 2 weeks ago on the H&M online store, it was only €8! Supergreat deal! I've worn is quite a lot already, it's so soft and warm and it goes with everything! Oh, and these shorts are my secret love. I don't wear them that often but when I wear them I feel great, I love the print and everything about it! But the last couple of weeks it was a bit too cold. But now it's starting to get warmer again, which I like!
Today was such an interesting day! I didn't have to go to school, I went to a college school (I don't know how to say this in english haha). Just, you know, not University but a lower level. I went there for one day, they this special day where you can 'study' at that college and ask questions and they show you the school and you get a little assignment which has to do with the subject they teach and so on. They teach Communication there, and I quite liked it! So that should be interesting, but my heart lies with another school, I hope I get accepted there.
but.... why am I talking about school since it's VACATION?! :D. More about that tomorrow when I'll be posting a new CHALLENGE post!
leuke outfit! Ik volg je nu, zou je mij willen terug volgen?