March 4, 2012

#163 ~ Pieces of my life

 Cat number one on my bed!
I made this bow for my very best friend for her birthday. She said I didn't have to bring a present but I hate going to a birthday (it wasn't her actual birthday but her party for family etc) so I stayed up to make this for her, last minute. I think it came out great and she liked it.
Haha, this picture is from art class, when my friend Amy put on my other friend Leanne's uggs on. Leanne has way bigger feet than Amy does, and Amy is quite short so it looked really funny!
Hmmmmmmm, at my nephew's birthday they had crêpes! With nutella, OMG DELICIOUS!
I made this painting on my artschool orientation course (uhm, yeah..) I like this painting, very colourfull, I had fun playing with them.
Yay, new phone case! I'm in love with it, except for the fact that my phone looks like a piece of brick..
I was tired, so I decided to sleep.
It's carnavaltime! Minnie Mouse :)
While babysitting I found this supercute package of some biscuits, it's sooooo adorable!
The little girl I was babysitting on (do you say it like that? It sounds weird but you get what I want to say right) also had booties, like mine! Look how small and cute!
Watching make-up videos on youtube, this is one of my favourite dutch youtubers/bloggers
With my best friend Niki at McDonalds, getting us some milkshakes and McFlurry Stroopwafel! Nomnomnomnomnom!
My dad bought Ben&Jerry's for me! NOMNOMNOMNOM again!
My little Diana looks even cuter with her Flash+ on! The flash is so big and the camera so small hahaha!
At HEMA, with Leanne, our food was delicious, but a lot also with icecoffee, pffff we couldn't fit another bite!

I was bored, so I decided to do some painting :) I like the feather and the 'HOPE' painting, the last one quite expresses my feelings.
And cat number two on my bed!

Sooooo that was that for the month of february! Was a very fun month, but also really short! I felt like we just went from january - one week of february - and than march again -____-


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