May 10, 2014

Favourite moments of April

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Let's start this month's (very late) Instagram post with the standard from-where-I-stand picture, wearing my favourite Levi's.
So last week I went to Floris for a visit and looked through his photos. I found a lot of olds ones from our first year of college (this totally sounds like I'm 40) and I quite liked this one!
Aaaand I bought a new vintage dress that week. Vintage Per Kilo sales are the best, and when I found this dress I thought it was hideous. It had a weird dropwaist band but I just took it off and look at this cutie!

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My springbreak had the best beginning I could ever wish for: Record Store Day. AND WHAT A DAY. Floris and I entered the very crowded Kroese right on time to see hear Chef'Special, find our way to the front, be surprised by how nice Moss is and then there he was.. Jett Rebel. Thís man. What an artist, unbelievable. We were so close, his show was so energetic and fun, I loved it. Later we arrived in Breda to see, ofcourse, Taymir play. I'll tell more details when I show you my photos.
Easter weekend! I made this illustration and then someone made me realise I can't spell.
Spring calls for spring hair, I love my daisy hair tie.

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Right before Kingsday, I went to Utrecht with my mom. The sun was shining, I found some awesome clothing and everybody was so beautiful and happy. I wish I could take Utrecht home with me, unfortunately I couldn't. It was a good day though, I tried to capture the sunshine in this photo.
My love for Jett Rebel continues in my art. I made this little illustration, kinda obvious on which song it was inspired.
KONINGSDAG. My bestie Lauren and I decided that this year, we were going to sell at the fleamarket (non Dutchies: we 'celebrate' the kings' birthday, and the fleamarket is tradition). After a long Koningsnacht, I was pretty tired, but I was up and ready to sell at 10 am! It was pretty great and we sold a lot of stuff. The sun was shining, everybody was happy and it was nice to have my friends around again.

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Heya, it's selfie time! Don't judge me, please.
In the second week of my springbreak, I went to Luik/Liege with Floris (I saw him a lot this month). It is his favourite city which made me curious. I can see why he likes it! We walked and talked a lot and laughed and it was all really nice. Some french-speaking kids thought we were cool, so yeah.
And lastly, a photo Floris took at Koningsdag, from Lauren and I at the fleamarket. All happy times.


  1. Die foto van jou en Lauren is echt leuk!!
    Leuke post! :)

  2. Dat vintage kleedje ziet er echt mooi uit!


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