August 19, 2014

Best Kept Secret

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lovely weather at stage one - dancing in the water - chilling at the campingsite - arctic monkeys in 2013

Eventhough my festival season ended a few weeks ago, I still wanted to share these photos. Best Kept Secret Festival is the best place on earth (well, kind off). It's always the best time of the year and a special place where our group of friends is all together and gets bigger everytime. The best music, the best people, the best food and a gorgeous sight. I can't wait till next year.

By the way.. Currently packing for my big British adventure, tomorrow I'm moving to Chester! I will tell you all about it once I've settled!

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1 comment:

  1. wauw ziet er gaaf uit! Mooie foto's!
    veel plezier in Engeland!


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