March 21, 2014

Bits and Bops #2

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square sketchbook - paperchase, white lace top - vintage, daisy hairtie, jelly shoes - primark, singles - thrifted

Sometimes I'm just on a roll of finding awesome things. Like ideas in my mind but also things laying around in my room or finding that one single at the thriftshop while encountering all the records.
I decided I wanted to document more of my everyday thoughts, doodles and all my collected concerttickets and other bits into ONE BOOK. So I got a slightly bigger size than I normally do (A5), this dummy. What I like about it is that it has a middle part where all the pages are brown paper. I fall for little things like that. I already filled it up with some memories. Festivals are the best.
I have a love for vintage lace tops. Also, quirky things like daisy hairties and jelly shoes catch my eye. Oh, and I found these two singles at the thriftshop, they are so old and corny, the music is kinda tacky but that's what I like about them.
Happy friday lovelies!

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  1. Mooie foto's! En wat een leuke dingetjes, dat boekje is ook echt prachtig! Festivals lijken mij ook heel heel leuk maar ik ben er nog nooit op eentje geweest jammer genoeg. Liefs!

  2. I'm seriously obsessed with those sandals! LOVE! And I adore that photo <3


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