August 28, 2013


Hello lovely readers, I thought, let's do a post without ten thousand pictures all the time. I saw this 'Firsts' tag on Youtube and I tried to find the questions, I think that these are different ones than I saw going around on Youtube but, who cares! I hope you like reading this!


.. love?
I think my first love was when I was in elementary school, I think I was about 11 years old and I had the biggest crush on a boy from my class.

.. alcoholic drink?
A little sip of wine just to 'taste' from my mom, when I was younger. Probably, I don't really remember.

.. job?
Babysitting, and the first real job is the job I still have, I work at a retail store called Xenos and we sell all sorts of home decorations, travel supplies, food, art supplies, it's hard to explain, we just sell A LOT.

.. car?
I don't have a license..

.. person to text you today?
My friend Eva: IS IT WEDNESDAY ALREADY? We are excited for today, party tonight! Dormparty (do you say it like that?), I don't live in a dorm but Floris used to, and we still get invited to their parties.

.. person you thought about this morning?
I can't remember, I usually forget my thoughts in the early morning, just because I'm too sleepy.

.. airplane flight?
When I was 11 years old, we went to London!

.. best friend?
Niki. We've actually known eachother for about 16 years or so by now. We are still best friends! We do see each other less at this moment, but that just happens when you get older and when you both choose a different path. Luckily she goes to the same parties as I do, so we see each other there a lot.

.. thing you did this morning?
Check my messages on my phone, and than shower. Morning is not really my thing..

.. concert?
Scouting for Girls!! March the 25th, 2011. I remember it as if it was yesterday, it was a great night and a great concert. I still have the band tee I got there.

.. piercing?
I don't know it that counts, but my ears I guess? I got them when I was about.. seven years old? I can remember I had studs with tiny cute flowers made with blue rinestones.

.. foreign country?
Has to be Slovakia. Ofcourse my family there wanted to see me after I was born!

.. movie?
I think it was Tijgetjes Film!

.. sport?
Ballet! I danced for quite a long time, and I can remember tiny pink leotards with glitter.

.. kiss?
See the first question..

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